How to survive a tornado

MORNING MEDITATION: HOW TO SURVIVE A TORNADO:  What STORM are you facing today? You WILL have trouble!

TornadoThis morning I woke after having a very strange and frightening dream.

THE DREAM:  It was a beautiful and clear afternoon. I was enjoying this lovely day when suddenly storm clouds gathered and all at once I was frantically running and trying to find a “place to hide” from Quadruple Tornados. I ran to exhaustion and finally saw a door which “seemed” to lead to safety. When I opened the door, to my horror, there was no room, just another opening to the storm still raging on the other side. Suddenly I saw an elderly man and his wife who were heading to a place that seemed safe. I asked if I could join them. They said yes and I followed. At last I was safe. In a few minutes (which seemed like forever) the storm passed and we three witnessed the scene all around us. Much loss of life, suffering and devastation. Later, back in the safety of my room I entered these words into google “how to survive a tornado”. The response came back immediately, but it was not the ordinary google search returns you see with pages and pages of links. It was simply two words set against a background of royal blue. The two words? TRUST JESUS!

I WOKE UP … and told my husband the dream. In the quiet of this beautiful, breezy summer morning, on the deck over coffee, we shared some further words. Pard shared some thoughts with me about the challenges facing us just now which led us to a time of prayer. We listened to this song (embedded below) and a few others, AND WE WORSHIPPED!Below is the song I was reminded of during my time with Papi Pard. A beautiful song called “Still I will trust you” by The Brooklyn Tab.
What storm are you facing today? Perhaps all is “still” in your world, and if so I’m so happy for that. But remember that Jesus said in John 16:33 – ‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.  He didn’t say you “may” have trouble.  He said you WILL have trouble.  Am I a pessimist.  If you know me you know I am the furthest from that.  No I am absolutely optimistic about my future, but when (not if) the storm comes I know Jesus is my STRONG TOWER.When will “your storm” come? What form will it take? A financial storm? A job loss. A natural disaster you are caught up in? An “Job-Like: physical affliction. An unexpected death? The list is endless isn’t it? But thankfully we have a shelter in the time of storm don’t we?Lyric: from above song:  I cannot question when storm clouds come my well. While the storm rages on and I can’t find my way, still I will trust you Lord. My faith is secure. May we all know Jesus and the peace and calm only He can bring in the midst of the storms of life which will surely come. Be blessed today.

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