Are you a lukewarm Christian? Be careful.

I was sitting in my quiet time spot (the East window of my upstairs bedroom) and spending some precious moments with my Heavenly Father.  I was listening to Holy Holy Holy, beautifully and masterfully played by Terry MacAlmon. His arrangement of Holy Holy Holy will bring you to your knees.  And so ... I decided... Continue Reading →

Does Your Faith Serve You Well ?

How'z that "Christianity Thing" workin out for ya! This morning I've been meditating on a portion of scripture from Mark 4:35-41. This is a familiar portion of scripture which deals with the account of Jesus calming the storm. Seems straight-forward enough. The disciples were in the boat with Jesus, Jesus was exhausted so he fell... Continue Reading →

Swiftly Fly The Years

Been spending some time time this afternoon contemplating how quickly the years fly by . . . one season following another ... and doesn't it seem that the seasons come and go so much more quickly with each passing year? One day you are young and then it seems suddenly you are not young anymore.... Continue Reading →

Is Your Garden Well Watered

I began my day today as I do most mornings, with a cup of something hot to drink.  I sat on my deck enjoying the quiet of the morning and then noticed what the past blistering days had done to the lawn.  No rain, and local watering restrictions led to a scorched earth.  I  enjoyed... Continue Reading →


The picture you see below has been making its way around the internet lately.   At first glance it sounds nice doesn't it?   The little girl is so engaging, and the picture evokes peace, tranquility and that all is right with the world. Did you, at one time in your life, accept Jesus as... Continue Reading →

Mommy’s Tea Kettle

How to make a proper cup of tea.  Click on the image below. My mother's tea kettle and mine . . . I'll always keep Moms though.  Technology is great, but it sometimes lacks charm.  I don't think my Mom used this at all.  I think she didn't want to ruin it.  I love looking... Continue Reading →

Laws that last forever.

Encouragement from the scriptures today and good words to remember no matter what our eyes see and our hears hear. Remember Psalm 119: 91 Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you.

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